There are a number of ways to have a healthier and happier pregnancy for your baby and you. The following post may help you deal with some of the challenges that you may encounter during pregnancy. Follow the information and tips below and keep them in mind for when you need them.
An obvious tip is not to smoke or drink alcohol while pregnant in order to ensure your baby is in good health. Alcohol, drugs, and nicotine could potentially hurt your unborn baby. You eat healthy foods when you are pregnant, and avoid any foods or other substances that can hurt you or your unborn child.
A few women may experience insomnia during pregnancy; this can be problematic at times. If you take magnesium supplements, it will help relax and relieve your leg cramps that can disturb you at night.
Researchers watched hours of video of moms as they took care of their babies at bedtime and throughout the night. They found that moms with greater depressive symptoms were more likely to pick up their sleeping babies -- sometimes waking the infant as a result.
These moms were also more likely to respond to all sounds their babies made -- even those like cooing that don't require any action....More at Depressed Moms Disrupt Baby's Sleep
It is very common to experience heartburn while pregnant even if you're just weeks pregnant. Some advice to prevent heartburn is to avoid carbonated drinks, citrus fruits and their juices because they contain high acid content, chocolate, and fatty, fried or spicy foods.
When pregnant, your body needs adequate support as you sleep. There are many varieties of special contour pillows that are made to give comforting support during pregnancy. You may also support yourself by using regular pillows if you can't get a pregnancy pillow. It may be a good suggestion to place a pillow below your growing stomach as well as under one of your knees.
Stay away from all caffeine-containing products during pregnancy. Caffeine may cause insomnia, which can keep you from getting adequate sleep. Try snacking on crackers throughout the day if you are suffering from nausea. A healthy diet can be very beneficial for your sleeping patterns.
Follow the suggestions outlined in the above post and you and the baby will get through your pregnancy quite nicely. The great advice provided here can give you more confidence that you will have a relaxed and healthy pregnancy.
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