Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Some Tidbits about Quinoa

quinoa with blueberries & yoghurt

For people new to the delights of having quinoa it can be a small shock to find out that it has a slight bitter flavor to it. There is always this specific impression that everything you eat that is balanced and good for you will not taste good. When it comes to quinoa, this definitely seems to be true because it can taste bitter if you do not prepare it in the right way.
Yes, it’s spelled funny. No, it’s not phonetic. It’s pronounced KEEN-wa and it comes from South America and is technically a seed (not a grain) from a plant akin to spinach.  It was known as Incan Gold because it is so nutritious and was known to give the Incan warriors their stamina....More at Quinoa: Ancient Superfood + 15 Quinoa Recipes | Cheeky Bums Blog

The Benefits

It's a complete protein and is also gluten free. In fact in case you have to eat a highly restrictive diet quinoa is ideal as it is known to be one of the least allergenic foods. Because it's an alkaline food it's great for diabetics. There are also benefits for many various other ailments and health problems such as hemorrhoids, symptoms of asthma, high cholesterol and bloodstream problems.
Quinoa flowering

The Solution To 
The challenge

The reason that quinoa offers this slight bitterness about it is due to the particular coating that is around the freshly harvested seed products. When you grow quinoa it naturally features a coating on each and every grain. This layer is called saponins. These saponins are what provide the unpleasant taste.

An additional complication is that a number of varieties that are produced have a larger layer of these saponins on them than others.

Whatever the variety of 
quinoa you purchase there is an easy fix to the problem. Just simply rinse the actual quinoa under a faucet for a couple of minutes to get rid of the bitter finish.
How to make quinoa salad with fava beans...More at Quinoa Recipes
I generally use cold water to rinse them. I have found that some models of quinoa are sold pre-washed among others not so. If you buy yours in bulk it will definitely need rinsing before you cook your quinoa. In the United Kingdom I know that most types have been prepared a long time before packing. The only ones I've found that need a good washing are from Morrisons.

Whatever brand you 
purchase it is just a small job to rinse the grains under a tap for a short period to get rid of the unpleasant taste. Of course if you eat as much quinoa as I tend to then you may start to like the bitter taste. Any bitter residue left will be cooked aside when you boil the actual quinoa.
More Reading

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