Monday, 23 April 2012

Important Foods for Every Runner

Miracle Miles for Kids Race 17April2010-304

The best diet for you may not suit other active people, and vice versa. Many factors come into play when you're crafting a healthy menu to help you train or maintain your fitness, from your activity level to your age, and you may need to work with food allergies or certain preferences that will change any "ideal" diet you come across.

While there may be no universal diet for the runner, there are certain foods that have proven to be good for almost every athlete at any level. Simply adding a few of these to your diet can bring some welcome changes to your workouts and your overall well being.
Focus-N-Fly, a leading provider of interactive training programs for runners of all levels, announced today an unprecedented Performance Guarantee for runners who use its improved and rebranded training program “runcoach” to train for The Wipro San Francisco Marathon taking place July 29, 2012. In addition to creating a highly personalized online training regimen for each individual, runcoach has added a number of new features for increased functionality....More at Focus-N-Fly® Announces Performance Guarantee for Runners in ...

What Makes a Food Good for Training?

First, you need energy, and although all foods come with energizing calories, some are clearly better choices. The idea is to find nutrient-dense foods instead of calorie-dense foods, and focus on dishes that take longer to digest. Next, you'll want ingredients to help your cells and muscles recover from the stress of a workout, and luckily there are quite a few foods that can help to protect and rebuild your tissues.
As a runner, your body needs a higher dose of nutrients to perform well and stay strong, but the way those nutrients are packaged will make a big difference. Supplements can be helpful, but they leave out important compounds that only whole foods can provide -- compounds that are crucial for overall fitness.

Foods to Add to Your Diet

Here are some widely available and remarkably beneficial foods for every runner's diet. Try to work them into your menu week by week:
  • Seeds. Everything a full-grown plant needs to survive is contained within the seed, so it's naturally a nutrient-packed health food. You can keep diabetes at bay, lower your risk for certain cancers, and keep a healthy body weight with a daily serving of sunflower, pumpkin or flax seeds. Beans and tree nuts have many of the same healthy compounds, so they're great additions, too.
  • Eggs and Lean Meats. It's no secret that protein is crucial for strong muscles, but if you're recovering from an injury, it plays an even more important role. That's because your body needs more protein to heal than it can make, so you should up your intake to include between 70 and 90 grams each day. Free-range poultry and eggs or grass-fed beef are amazing sources of protein. Also, animals that have been naturally raised provide more nutritious and flavorful meat, not to mention more rejuvenating omega-3 fatty acids.
  • High Fiber Fruits. Fiber should get a starring role in your diet, and certain foods are so delicious that they make it easy for you to get your daily 25 grams (for women) or 38 grams (for men). Apples are notoriously high in fiber, as are berries, pears, oranges and dried fruits. If you get used to making colorful fruit salads to keep in the fridge, you can ensure you get a big dose of fiber every day to keep a variety of diseases at bay and control your appetite.
More Reading

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Impress Your Friends With These Cooking Ideas

Cooking is not a simple skill to learn. The following article will provide you with some advice to assist you in making the best meals possible.

Finding the exact amount of time to grill certain meats is a science that not many of us know how to do. A meat thermometer can provide you with the precise temperature, reassuring you that the meat is fully cooked. If the meat is greater than 1.5 inches in thickness, you should close the lid of the grill in order to lower your grilling time.

You can diminish your stress level by doing your prep work for an important meal the day or night prior to the event. Find the ingredients, chop up and measure herbs and spices and look through your cupboards to make sure you have what you need. When the time comes for you to cook the meal, the only thing on your mind will be putting it together.

You can toss fruits on the grill, and make them taste delicious. Twist sliced melon, peaches or nectarines on a skewer. Then, spread them on your clean grill till you see grill marks. Distribute the grilled fruit on some ice cream or pound cake that has been cooked a few minutes on the grill.

It’s a good idea to always organize your cooking supplies. You will always find it frustrating to search for necessary items in a disorganized kitchen. Put similar items with other similar items. To be more precise, put peanut butter and jelly on the same shelf, since they both serve the same purpose.

When seasoning meats, taste a piece prior to cooking it. It's difficult to fix overly seasoned meat but spices can always be added. Therefore, you shouldn’t cook the whole cut of meat after seasoning it. Cook a small piece in a pan and taste it first. Then, you can continue cooking the rest of it, or adjust your seasonings as needed.

As confirmed here, you can greatly improve your cooking skills, within weeks, by applying the proper techniques. So, take heed of the information you have just read, enter your kitchen and begin cooking! Your cooking will definitely taste better than it ever has before.

Putting healthy meals on the table means lifting grocery bags, opening jars with lids, dicing and slicing, and handling bulky pots. But all of those activities pose a challenge when you have arthritis. Fortunately, there are plenty of clever solutions you can use to make shopping and meal preparation easier. From the experts, here are seven tips for shopping when you have arthritis, followed by six tricks for preparing easy meals at home. ...More at Cooking and Shopping When You Have Arthritis

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Tips To Learn About Pregnancy

There are a number of ways to have a healthier and happier pregnancy for your baby and you. The following post may help you deal with some of the challenges that you may encounter during pregnancy. Follow the information and tips below and keep them in mind for when you need them.

An obvious tip is not to smoke or drink alcohol while pregnant in order to ensure your baby is in good health. Alcohol, drugs, and nicotine could potentially hurt your unborn baby. You eat healthy foods when you are pregnant, and avoid any foods or other substances that can hurt you or your unborn child.

A few women may experience insomnia during pregnancy; this can be problematic at times. If you take magnesium supplements, it will help relax and relieve your leg cramps that can disturb you at night.

Researchers watched hours of video of moms as they took care of their babies at bedtime and throughout the night. They found that moms with greater depressive symptoms were more likely to pick up their sleeping babies -- sometimes waking the infant as a result.
These moms were also more likely to respond to all sounds their babies made -- even those like cooing that don't require any action....More at Depressed Moms Disrupt Baby's Sleep

It is very common to experience heartburn while pregnant even if you're just weeks pregnant. Some advice to prevent heartburn is to avoid carbonated drinks, citrus fruits and their juices because they contain high acid content, chocolate, and fatty, fried or spicy foods.

When pregnant, your body needs adequate support as you sleep. There are many varieties of special contour pillows that are made to give comforting support during pregnancy. You may also support yourself by using regular pillows if you can't get a pregnancy pillow. It may be a good suggestion to place a pillow below your growing stomach as well as under one of your knees.

Stay away from all caffeine-containing products during pregnancy. Caffeine may cause insomnia, which can keep you from getting adequate sleep. Try snacking on crackers throughout the day if you are suffering from nausea. A healthy diet can be very beneficial for your sleeping patterns.

Follow the suggestions outlined in the above post and you and the baby will get through your pregnancy quite nicely. The great advice provided here can give you more confidence that you will have a relaxed and healthy pregnancy.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Making Parenting Less Stressful

Often times parenting can feel like a never ending battle. In this article I will provide you with some wonderful parenting tips that can help you enjoy your role as a parent more.

If your child has been adopted, understand that you will eventually have to answer some tough questions when your kid becomes an appropriate age. Children will ask you about their biological family. Don't lie to them about their family, it will only make them hold resentment toward you if they find out the truth.
It is very important to advise your children to avoid strangers when they are young. Just about anyone could be a predator or an offender. It is impossible for a child to determine who is a safe stranger or someone who has harmful intentions. Be sure that they can recognize a dangerous situation and know how to get themselves out of it.

Parents generally teach their children about "stranger danger" from an early age, telling them not to talk to, walk with or take gifts or candy from strangers....More at In child sexual abuse, strangers aren't the greatest danger, experts say

Construct a set of clear rules using positive language for your family to help your children get along even better. Instead of saying "Do not hit your brother," say, "Touch gently."

If you are pregnant with your second or third child, be aware that sometimes you must make choices. Many times, the child who cries the loudest will get your attention at any particular moment. If you can be okay with this, you are less likely to feel guilty once you encounter this type of situation.
There isn't much use for anger in good parenting. Parents should keep their anger firmly under control when they relate to their children. Anger shown in the presence of children can damage their self-esteem and it also provides a negative model for dealing with frustration. It is an extremely poor parenting choice when dealing with an honest mistake, or a small accident, made by a child.  

 7 weeks old

The tips laid out in this article can help you feel more in control and knowledgeable when it comes to interacting with your children. Parenting can be a lot of work, but it also brings a lot of joy, particularly as you watch your child grow into a well-rounded individual.

More Reading...  Pediatric Mental Health Check-Ups Help Predict Future Needs 
Cyberbullying Not the Same as Schoolyard Bullying           

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Baby Yoga - Fail?

I couldn't resist posting this video which really enraged me. In fact, I couldn't watch the whole video when I first saw it. There is just so much wrong with this. A baby (only 2 weeks old) being tossed around like a rag doll. Are you kidding me! One little slip and then what? Let's not forget about shaking baby syndrome. I'm extremely relieved that this child is alright but how could a mother put their child in such a risky situation? I would love to hear your opinions on this video. Do you feel that this baby yoga is really a safe activity? Or do you feel the same way as I do? This video was definitely a shocker for me.

Monday, 9 April 2012

You Against The World - Important Health Insurance Advice

Remaining healthy requires the right health insurance plan for you. This article will help you choose the best health insurance plan.

Be aware that due to federal regulations, you must buy health insurance from an insurance provider within your state. An injury sustained and treated out of state may not be covered by your health insurance. Because insurance providers are so particular, it is important that you find this information out before visiting another state.

When you are planning on purchasing your own health insurance plan, first you need to add up what all the costs will be. All the different parts to a policy like co-pays, premiums and deductibles can be confusing, so make sure that you understand it all before you buy anything.

Be sure to check your bills carefully. Even with a health policy, you can still encounter surprising high bills, particularly for prescriptions. Sometimes, doctors will write a prescription and won't consider a generic version. Don't forget to shop around. Different pharmacies have varying prices on generic medications.

If you've graduated college recently, consider a couple different things when looking for health insurance. If you are currently employed, you may be eligible for your employer's insurance plans. You can get on your parents' insurance if you're under 26, in which case, you can also use that time to research plans.
Millions of young people cannot stay on their parents' health insurance until the age of 26....More at Why Obama Should Run Against the Supreme Court
Remember that many kinds of health insurance plans exist, and that each type is geared toward the needs of different individuals. You could pick plans that cover the areas you need now and hold off to purchase a full coverage when you possess the money to do so.

Some agencies may deny your enrollment or claim if you do not fill out the forms correctly. Read your enrollment form in its entirety to avoid these problems.

Carefully read over your health care handbook and it will give you a lot of knowledge that will be helpful in the future. The handbooks are often intricate, so you will need to read every page to be informed about what your benefits are. You never know when this information might come in handy, so grin and bear your way through it.

Your good health is of course, a major priority for you. I’m 6 weeks pregnant and feel safer by having my health insurance.  If you would like to be sure you remain in good health, get good health insurance. The advice offered in this article to help you out with your health insurance needs.
More Reading
Felicia Willems: Thank You Affordable Care Act

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Can You Believe It? Unforgettable Tips For The Traveler

Traveling for business purposes can still prove to be very enjoyable since you still get a chance to travel. However, there are some circumstances that can ruin your traveling adventure, and spending too much money is one of these. The following article will give you tips on how to have a positive travel experience.

Don't freak out if your luggage is not there when you arrive at your destination. Ask any airport official where the lost luggage office is; have your documents from the flight and identification cards handy and fill out the appropriate paperwork. Normally your luggage will turn up, and you will be reconnected with it as soon as possible.

Attempt to fit in a big workout before you board the plane. This will help you avoid the tediousness of long flights. You will be sitting in one spot for a long period of time, and this may cause back and leg cramps. Working out prior to a long flight can relax your body and reduce uncomfortable feelings in your body due to the flight.

Take the time to check out reviews on the Internet about any resorts or lodgings in which you are interested, so you will know what to expect when you make your travel plans. If you avoid hotels that have many bad reviews, you can help save yourself from having the same bad experiences.

Make a list of what you intend to take with you on a trip. Your list should be made well in advance (7-30 days) and should include all of your necessities. This will enable you to pack only the things that you really need and it can also ensure that you will not leave anything behind.

Always keep in mind where your belongings are, and keep your most important items in a place you always have access to. When carrying a purse, make sure you keep it tucked under your arm. Also, pick travel bags with secured flaps that conceal zippers and pockets, so that access is not easy in crowded or dangerous areas. Keep these things in mind when you choose a bag for your trip.

Leave your valuables at home. The more items you have with you, the higher the chance you will leave one behind, or an item gets stolen.

By utilizing these tips, you can travel smarter and have a smooth journey. You will be much happier at your destination when you realize that you saved a lot of money without losing the enjoyment.